Haiz I don't know so many ppl watch anime.Eunice,Andy,Kenneth.Woah.I tot my classs in juz nerdy shit.Anime watchers?didn't expect it.OMG!Eunice watch Inuyasha!OMG Kenneth watch D-gray Man!Watching anime now.SHUDDUP. OK summarry of today.
1.miss bus,2.reach school,3.Got called mushroom head,4.reach class.
5.KL shout,''Elaine come liao!'',6.Assembly,7.Science test,8.english test,9.recess.
10.history.Haiz forget bring wbk.ran to JunQian's class and borrowed one.
11.Haiz,got mistaken to be a Cantona lover again.Ms Yani said,''Am I interupting your conversation?Why must you always talk to the boys?'' And Kenneth's mother n sis sick so stayed at home,when Ms Yani called,she made2 sick ppl tok to her.
12.Its in the genes,can't help it.Mother lyk that, daughter of cors same larh.
13.MT sucks.DLS gib her stares again.Jin Hong got chased out.HAHA=)
14.Maths.NVM do Hmk.Haiz.Stand up n nvr sit down again.
15.Andy called me Mrs Ong
ME:Im not Cantona's wif- I meant mother.
Me:Andy say im his Cantona's mother!
Clement:Kenneth is the father.
Kenneth:U shuddup la u.
The crowd:OOH
KEnneth:U leh?U then father arh!
The crowd:WOOo!
Andy,JinHong n KL probaly happy to c me have so many 'fathers'
16.Played baseball.I suck.JinHong,Justin,Andy played without me.I out.
17.Went SP wib Esmeralda n Cantona.Cantona keep 'accunpunture' me.Haiz.Esmeralda say we love each other.Ate maggie noodles.
18.Saw Sam n he call me mushroom head again.He sucks.
19Took MRT wib Esmeralda home.
20.Use com.Got scolded by father.He sick so scold little bit only.sad.
JINHONG I HATE YOU4spreading everything u can think of!