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The Strange

Do not spam.
If u spam,i will ban.
As Ilyda syas,i will ban cos i can.


♥White/grey tees
♥ballet flats
HATES COFY.(cantona)
HATES Yap.Jin.Hong
HATES stuff toys.esp furry ones

Stupid Little Cantonaaaaa
♥Random Blogshop
♥Auntie Lucy FC
♥Jia Wen
♥Yue Yi
♥The Other 6'O Xin Yi
♥Jun Qian


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
June 2010
March 2013



Music Playlist at MixPod.com

u>♥ PlayingTopHits ♥


Designer & Image: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Inspirations & Materials: Emily Strange
Image Host: Tinypic
Others: Dorischu ,
Macromedia Fireworks

Monday, August 31, 2009

Emily the Strange

Can't sleep last night.Watch blood diamond,and I finally fell asleep at 2 plus.Took bus with Sandy.Haiz.Brought coca cola along.Haiz.Then go class,filled with crazy sexists.I hate you.Its not deja vu anymore.Seriously,1e1=sexists ppl. =P FFS,Im finally worth 8-9million plus.At least Im more than half of Cantona.And some rich guy bought me from Cantona,haha!Cantona,I bet u cant buy me,Im too expensive for u!!!!WAKAWAKA!!!JinHong so cheap!!!!1 mil oni.I counted liao,we both hab 6 zeroes!!!I own!!!
Today teachers' day eve n Ilyda doe'nt noe it.Performance is mainly on the electric guitars,weird guys/gays singing MJ songs.HAiz.Aftr schl,hang out wib Sandy n JunQian.Walk to SP,then met Canto n Zeeee Ting there.Ate cookies.JunQian cookie drop on the floor like mine.He picked it up,but he did'nt eat it.Too bad=( JunQian n Sandy went to watch movie.Hang out wib Juliet n Baobao at PlayGround.THen more n more ppl came.Ayoub dragged me away from the girls.Wow,his hand is sure rough.R.O.U.G.H.KKW so emo.Felicia dye hair again.Ate sweets n chips that Felicia n JJ sponsored.Went in,go KFC.meet Sandy.We were a crowd.JiaJing,ShiMin,BAoBao,JiaMing,Ayoub,Vishnou,Felicia n so on.All squeeze.haiz.THen go in ZDPS hab some fun wib meeting Mr V.Neyas came!!!!Yay!!!LTNS.I keep poking him cos he grew fat.
Ayoub n gang then go paly soccer,then we girls went to tiong slack.Fredick,Lao bang Sai,WaiKit,JiaMing the gangster also got go.THen we went to kopitiam,we were tokin bout tests then some old guy came fprward to us n started tokin none stop bout his church stuff.OMG.JJ,Joann,n XiinYii went off.Felicia n ShiMin went to buy food.Me n Euginia were sortofff sufferin.We keep nodding lyk siao,none stop tokin.THe talk ended in lyk 32 minutes.
THen we 4 girls go PG slack.girls quality time.We all from different schools,live on different parts of Singapore,But we're frns.Yay!
GTG.Boat ride.haiz.

Updated @ 5:49 PM

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Emily the Strange

Hehe.My parents got tickets for us to take a boat ride at the singapore river,since today is raining,we might be going next week.Then we may be oging to Iluma today.Haiz,go bugis again.They say they want to go there cos bugis got the ultra big library.HAiz.So bored,evertime go same places.We haben went to ION yet.It was so near,yet so far,last week i went to orchard,we were a few steps from the ION thingy,but a lot ppl,then we don wan go liao.SAD=(.BTW JunQian finaaly hab a blog for me to spam,but when I went there,no tagboard!!!!Watch madagascar again last night.So sad,no Inuyasha,got the 'Girl who time travels' japanese movie again.That movie very sad n nice,but don feel like watching again.Sad.My inuyasha!!!!HOW COULD THEY REPLACE THE SHOW????
BTW Marie like YanLin,now YanLin very scared that marie lyk him,n he keep saying he is very ugly n all that crap.JinHong,I hate u as usual.

Updated @ 1:59 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Emily the Strange

Ystrday went to paternal side GrEAT Grandma's gouse.Quite fun.Watch tv the whole day.hehe.JinHong very annoying.JinHong i hate u.U tonight musz watch Inuyasha,IDC.San,I noe u love JC too much until u forget bout the msg u sent JH.hmm,so many homework,so little time.ShiHao keep flinging food at me.YEs my FFS plan turn out well,Im rich!Wakaka!!!!Pet society,I bought a lotoff food,then I go fishing,then all the rare n cute pops out.There is a sheep fish,that is a mixture of sheep n Fiah.Sheep=Shaun.Fish=JingYu.The sheepfish is their child.Congrats!!!

Updated @ 3:20 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009

Emily the Strange

Andy fell down,cos Shaun bully him.so sad...D&T sucks.Recess sucks more.English was fun.Clement had to write a lotta stuff,n Stephie compete wib him.I bought JinHong on FFS!YAY!
Aftr SchL
60% of the class stayed back in class.A few stayed back for fun,others stayed back for the D&T thing.Then Justin's D&T paper got stuck on the metal thing on the third story.It was stuck between 2 metal things.Then Aravin throw some lemon tea packet filled withe water down,and it also got stuck there,although he was trying to help,it does'nt seem to help.Shaun threw newspaper,which,apparently makes the situation worser.I saw the metal thing in our classroom,n I got an idea.Me n Shaun took the broom n ran to the 3rd storey.the metal thingwas just above us.We were both too short to reach,so Shaun climbed onto a table,Then i keep on poking the metal thing.It seems to work.The metal thing was vibrating loudly,n the paper was moving.PPl on the opp block saw me n Shaun,n they started laughing.It was Sam n Samuel.Sam,Samuel,u gonna get it from me.THen Justin paper finally drop downstairs,n there was sort of a small crowd on the opp block cheering for us.I saved the Day!!!

Updated @ 5:09 PM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Emily the Strange

It was raining in the morning.I like rain.Took bus wib Sandy.4 tests today.Haiz.CME Ms Re wrote comments of us.Cantona,me n Kenneth argued over a chinese handbook.Today is so cold.
Since nobody is probaly reading this,I should say it:Have you ever been so vexed up,cos U had to choose?nail 2 to 1.only 1 can win.2 is a draw.I cant decide.I think I am starting to have a crush on the 2nd guy,when I tot Im still liking the 1st one.haiz.DejaVu.I hate you.Death is somebody everyone will meet someday,but nobody alive Know how she looked like.
I don believe in heaven and all this crap.How can u prove there is a heaven?Those that had been there can't say,They're dead.Those that has'nt went there can't prove anything.
I had to listen to those old but new songs.U noe like the song is like 3 months liao,but its a hit once,n ur still listening to it?u should update urself sucker.u shld turn on the TV on watch MTV.new songs.I mean if those 70s mama mia song i don mind la,but the damn song is 3 mnths liao!!!!nvm.I hate you.DejaVu.DejaVu.

Updated @ 5:15 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Emily the Strange

Bus with Sandy n Zhong Xuan.
Wasted la,do stupid dance when we can play games.Dono got what honkey tomp stomp thing,waste time.Jun Qian,or Jun Xian,I forget la,also dance with our class.All the dance moves ultra lame lor.
Me n Siew Hua draw people again.ZiTing ILY.
Studied history wib Ilyda like siao.Wasted recess.LOL
Funny Yani no come.We tot no test,but in the end got test.I think San will probaly get highest again.Quite easy lor,the test.
We are enthu ppl!!Cos YanLin oct 11 bday,Then I said I will pay for his movie ticket if he go n watch movie,then a few ppl want to come,Then we started discussing it like siao.So far,Cantona,me,anLin,SIew Hua n Yappa Jin Hong I hate you going.
Sat wib the boys during lunch.I bully YanLin,keep drinking his coca cola thing.When I eat egg,Yappa Jin Hong I hate you say,'U eat Cantona balls' He sick right?
Aftr Schl
Walk to SP wib Canto n Esmeralda.We ate cookies.Half of my double choclate chip cookie drop on the floor and Canto call me to pick up.The cookie was staring at me wib its sugar eyes pleading,'Eat me,eat me...' But it dropped on the floor.Esmeralda advised me not to eat it.But in the end,I cannot resist n Munch into the chocolate.

Updated @ 4:41 PM

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Emily the Strange

Oh Yay!KL bought me on FFS!Oh Boo!Cantona bought me on FFS.Sad.Rain in the morning.Took bus with Sandy.Change song n blogskin liao.
Some ball throwing game.hahas.If u say 'huh?' today,u must say it ten times,huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh.Clement,Aravin and Eunice kanna the most 'huh'.When MS Su threw the ball at me,I was busy day dreaming,it hit my face and bounce off.JinHong is so mean,he did'nt want to lend me a pen,lucky Cantona lent me arh.JinHong I hate you.
DLS scream when she say the answer,she also give her 'original DLS evil stare'.
JingYu go n complain to Ms Re bout the 'Shaun JingYu song' thingy.KL very poor thing,need to write lines.HAHAHAHA.Lucky I never sing.KL still dare say,'That one chinese version,I still got english version.'Aravin got scolded.
San's wife call me to book places at the bench no matter what so I sat beside YanLin.hehe.End up evryone no sits.Then go hall that time,JinHong bully YanLin by pushing him near ZiTing,then LKY go n help Yappppa JinHong by pushing YJH.I play 'too too train' with them.
Cantona wants to change place wib ppl by no one wants to change.We failed to convince Siew Hua to change wib him.Sad right?Or JH can take family photo again liao.Me n SiewHua felt bored then We had drawing contest.She drew San and Ziting.I drew San,ZiTing,JiaCheng n YanLin.I drew JC n YL til very ugly to dee siao them.
JiaCheng n YuJing said sth bout the 'ai' show,so I hummed the theme song and asked if it was the song,and Ms Yong stare at me.JiaCheng n Ken keep saying how their parents say,'zhou ai,zhuo ai' when the 'ai' show is gonna start.A few cannot sit down.Clement stand the longest.Then Ms YOng say who open mouth who stand,Then Riley shout,'Kenneth ipen mouth!!!' THen Ms Yong force him to stand. Then Aravin dono say wat say sth like,'Ms YOng!!Kenneth open mouth!!' then Aravin muz stand.But in the end Ken oso muz stand.

Updated @ 5:04 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009

Emily the Strange

Bought new bedsheets from Aussino yesterday.Mom,my sis,my Auntie Judy n some Lady who is Aunty Judy best fren.Watch Inuyasha on Sat and I manage to convince him to watch wib me for ten minutes.tee hee.JinHong is so lame.He go and change his blog.
Today Ms Olivia nvr come,YanLin(XinYi rox!),Irwin,JinHong,Kian Yew,Me,San,Briana,SiewHua,ZiTing,Inez,Aloysius,JiaCheng and Aravin play TOD(truth or dare)not fun for me.All the dares for me,so LAME.When the teacher come,Me n YanLin shout:'Vote who?vote Who?' to prtend we are all discussing bout the teachers' day thingy.JinHong is a very shy person,he don dare to touch Briana.San love JiaCheng too much le.I keep disturbing YanLin by giving him tattoos of ,'XinYi rox' And Cantona gave me some packet drink during recess
We do corrections and Andy keep making cute noises.He will do,'BBBBBBRRRRRRR' using his lips n here are some things he said.'TTTTAAAAUUU PPPPOOK!' 'CCCCAAAANNNTTTOOONNNAAA ONG FEI YYYAAANNNGGG!' He is so cuuuttte!Then Ms Yong do a chart thingy n he keep changing places.SO DAMN LAME N FUNNY LOL.
ZEE TING,me,Esmeralda,Cantona gather outside the class for a while.THen Ms Yong walk pass and wacked Cantona's shoulder.
ME:Orh Hor!Child Abuse!!!
Ms Yong:....
Me:U wacked him!
Ms Yong:What are u drinking?Did'nt Mdm Neo say no sweet drinks in class?
Me:But this one sugar free wan....
MS Yong:U better throw it away aftr you finish...
Me:Cantona!!!!!Its all ur fault!!!U gave me the drink!!!
THen we went to SP wib Chelsea.When i REACH HOME,I got locked outsid for 20minutes,cos nobody at home,so nobody open door for me.

Updated @ 4:13 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Emily the Strange

Facebooking like JinHong.Addicted can be said here.I think I can pass literature liao,I made up something, 'A drop of like,has a chance of turning into a river of Love' Pro right?I think YanLin is emo-ing now.JinHong is probaly facebooking now.San is probaly thinking of JC now.OMG did I tell u that I took the same bus home as JC ystrday?I called him San the whole journey,and JiaCheng,Control ur husband leh,I said,'Bye san!' and he point middle finger at me.hahas.JinHong can u stop making think of big eyes?I hate u JinHong,(San if u think this is the opposite of what I think,U must be thinking of JinHong n Jia Cheng too much)hahas.Joann,I'll text u or sth,I don think Felicia got go back leh.
Went to expo today.My father bought a LCD TV that is on sale.So aftr exam if u wan watch DVD n ur house tv very small,can come my house watch!YAY!

Updated @ 8:09 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Emily the Strange

Im so lame I dono wat to say.Took bus wib Sandy.Her no.1 fan nvr call.Amazingly,Cantona earlier than me...Amazing hor?KL so noisy when I reach.Kenneth wearing new shirt...Ilyda also very early.Whats with everyone this morning???I still feel very tired from yesterday,not emo-ing.Then Glenn n Canto sortoff fought.Canto too kpo liao.Non Of My Business.
normal.Waddya expect?
Play truth or dare wib Canto,ZeeeeTing,San and Inez.Siew Hua don wan play.Nth special.Inez kanna one dare to dee siao Justin,another to dee siao Aloysius,just in case they both jealous of each other.
The worksheet cher gave us is so...Argh...Marcus getting married tmr,Justin forgot YiXin's number...XinYi got diamond ring from Clement...Why cannot San got diamond ring from Jia Cheng?Or Sandy got Diamond ring from Jun Qian?Not fair.I prefer XinYi getting 18 carrot diamond ring from someone else.Not Clement the big eyes...Right JinHong?I think its all JinHong fault that my name appeared on the wsk.Because FFS,JH go call me Clement's girl,maybe Ms Chan facebook addict then saw it...JinHong,I hate U!
Some Glenn guy threw Canto's bag in the dustbin. -.-lll
Boring,cos Ms Yani called no one's parents...Haiz...Im so evil.
Watch some video for four times.Fell asleep-.-zZZ Siew Hua very quiet as usual.
Kenneth hid Yue Wei's bottle under my table.U shld hab see the expression on ue Wei's face,no offence,really funny.Inez told me that Dance need to wear leotard.Yeee...
Aftr school
Stayed back wib KL,Canto,Ilyda,Shu An(Shuan la,ur so stupid,u look here),Andy,Jing Yu.Argue like siao.

Updated @ 4:48 PM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Emily the Strange

Happy 100th post!!
Woke up by mom.Father drove.Then sang a couple of hokkien church songs.A feel ppl already started crying like siao.OMG.Then go mandai.Go to the super cold room.haiz.My grandma die that time,when we went to the super cold room,me n my brother used newspaper to cover ourselves.Then burn that time.So many ppl crying.My sister is so emotional.Hiaz....I so on...KL kepp texting me.So bastard call me when everyone is crying,so pai seh leh,everyone looking at me...
Skip skip skip.
I reach home still got time go IT.Talked to KL n Ilyda.Ilyda told me Canto was violent to girls.haha.Ran to bus stop.Chase the bus.Took the bus.Breathe,Reach school.Yay!
When I knock on the first door,it was close.No lights.Then I went to the second wan.The curtains was half close n i saw KL.I bang on the windows like siao.KL saw me n JingYu open the door.A few ppl saw me n started asking me questions.I sitting solo,until ZiTing saw me n tell Thanesh n Esmeralda.They were giving me the 'when did u appear' face.Then Esmeralda told Canto.Canto was like 'huh?' Then he saw me n I gave him the ultra large smile.Canto smile back,and obviously I went to sit beside him as usual.Best frens ma,What u expect?Fight over air-con n Frens for sale.Teacher let us fight for the air-con temperature.Canto was colder than me on the inside,n I was colder than him on the outside.Did a lot of experiments wib Canto testing the hand temperature.haha.He is warmer.Wakaka!It was so fun...We were hitting each other hands.Then San,JinHong,Briana,Cantona n obviously me bought each other like siao!haha!n Kenneth n MMJ somehow died in attendance taking...haha

Updated @ 3:45 PM

Monday, August 17, 2009

Emily the Strange

Ah...There was something going on that messed up everything.U played a prank on me first,why Can't I play back?huh?huh?huh?tell me why u can scare me n I cannot scare u although U DON GIB A DAMN?don make me change my blog song to 'tell me' hor.BTW it was'nt me that say I Like u,the whole conversation was edited,were I the one talking to u?no right?
Boring as usual...But...Cantona go n ask the question again,'Why condom got flavour?' Ms Lee said,'Go ask the manufacturer!' Then Briana ask,'What is a condom?' LOL.
Went to SP.Met Sandy there.Bought pizza.Sandy made me sit wib her cos she don wan to sit with Jun Qian.hahas.JunQian ordered so much food that I said he is gonna be overweight.hahas.My pizza came late,LiJun n Sandy ran off without me...T.T I did'nt went away cos JunQian bribed me with his mash potato.Boohoo...Then the cleaning lady came n say,'U this friend very good,the other two friends,no good,run away,no wait for u...' She made me feel so weird...Argh...Then we went out,1/5 people were in Pizza Hut,Sam,Samuel,argh,and a few more ppl.They saw us and got the wrong idea,and started luaghing.Sam,Ur gonna get it from me.They tot Im his GF n started laughing louder.How to say?I ran away to look for the girls instead of standing there and letting them get wrong ideas.
Wakaka!Went to watch 'Where got ghost' wib Sandy n JunQian.And the starting,me n JunQian were arguing,I said,'If I scared,I will cry,then u need to gib me tissue.I will also scream,I noe u will scream.' He said,'I wont scream,I got a lot of tissue.' In the middle of the movie,when the mother was in the TV,he scream Real LOUD!hahaha.Everyone laugh at him.He also laugh.hahahahaha.He end up covering his eyes for a long time.Me n Sandy was enjoying seeing him in fear.hahaha.

Updated @ 8:22 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Emily the Strange

Til Death do us part
My great grandma died two days ago.
Sth dramatic happen.JinHong,U rmb that u say my fone very stupid n blah blah blah,insult my fone hor?My fone bacame depressed n commited suicide.It was playing PCD 'hush hush' the I will survive part,then somebody text me.My fone vibrate,n 'plop' it drop downstairs.I put near window,n my poor fone took the chance n jumped down.It was so dramatic!JinHong is murder!Boohoo...My fone!My fone was still playing the 'I will survive ' music,but it didnt survive.Maybe my fone should hab a funeral like my G. grandma.
On friday,I stayed back after school right?Cantona keep stepping on my shoes,n complately destoyed,DESTROYED my predicure.Curse him.I paint it midnight blue just now.
U noe,funeral sucks.U will get to see those ultra old relatives u had never seen in your life.Lets juz call everyone auntie or uncle.My mom's auntie asked how old m I.I said 12 n a half.She started saying: 'Wah...U got Boyfren?' And a few aunties came and started arguing wib her.They were like'Thirteen years old cannot hab boyfren...' or 'Cannot not lar,too small to hab bf...Blah blah...' I became thier topic of chatting for the whole day.Their comments made me miss CAntona's comments...Boohoo
U noe the auntie I just mention?Her husband keep on calling me '吓人会吓死人' cos a few years back,during a buffet,uncle was standing behind me.I didnt know.N he suddenly say,'哇!so many fishballs!' So I shouted 吓人会吓死人! And now,my nickname is 吓人会吓死人!haiz...
Have I ever told you I've been trape in a toilet for like three hours last year?That time,I spoile dthe whole lock,and made my fsther install a second lock.My brother figure out how to pick the new lock so the secong lock was quite useful,cos he cant pick the second lock!wakaka!my parents should thank me.Yesterday,my whole family were leaving the house.Since we had to travel all the way to tampines,I went to the toilet.CTE don have toilets hor...Then the lock spoil,and I got trap in the toilet again.Second time liao.So sad...Why am I the only in the family that the toilet hate?Lucky we got the second lock ar,or we had to change the whole freaking door.

Updated @ 2:04 PM

Friday, August 14, 2009

Emily the Strange

Im crazy.So i did this thingy.Im 76% mentally unstable.

[] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you.'
[ ] You have ran into a glass/screen door
[ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks.
[ ] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You have been called a blond.


[ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody.
[x] You just sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen.
[ ] You have choked on your own spit.


[] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[X] You type with three fingers or less.
[] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.


[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about.
[ x] People often shake their heads and walk away from you.
[ ] You are often told to use your 'inside voice.'


[] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[x] You have eaten a bug accidentally.
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time. e.g. picks, cards, pens, phones, money, keys etc.


[ ] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[ ] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[x] The word "um" is used frequently.
[] You don't know what "um" means.
[x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[] You plan to use a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.


Take your total,
Multiply by 4,
That shows how mentally unstable you are.

Now tag 5people to do this test.

Updated @ 4:54 PM

Emily the Strange

I edit previous post liao la.JinHong will get award,San will change award Ok?Hehe.I type til half yesterday then my aunt came.Sorry la JinHong,I noe u wan the 'flying' award right?BTW my maid's alarm clock spoil,so I woke up late.Then came late.JinHong flew to school today.hehe.Sorry Sandy,dint take bus wib u.My aunt bought a music box for me n my sis.Mine's beauty n the beast.My sis's song is close to you.Argh.D&T draw here draw there,I confuse liao larh.Andy is so cute.I found out that Canto's brother chinese name is flying bear,fei xiong.Funny nia,one goat one bear.hehe.
Music as usual,I hate it.Detest.Student teacher interaction made me pity my brother.RMB he went to the hospital last month?That day,He came home bloody,like Ms Re said.BLOODY.The shirt was bloody.I think my mother threw the shrt away.
After school play like siao wib Cantona(obviously) n ShiHui n Ziting.ZiTing having MT,We waiting for her.ShHui waiting for father.I found out that Ken n MingPeng burning toilet bowls,chairs are not fake.(source,ShiHui)hehe.ShiHui even said they burn their shorts b4.Then Canto made me run one round across level three to level two.And ZT,me,ZCanto bought green tea.Discount ma.Canto wants lemon tea,but no more liao.He does'nt wants green tea bcos last time me n Sandy said green tea kills sperms.He keep giving excuses like,'I don like green tea.' 'green tea not nice.' then when the 7eleven auntie say no lemon tea,he surrendered n bought green tea.
Why is'nt hate songs instead of love songs?It will make ppl happier with all the cursing.Thats why,I edited the song 'close to you'.It was actually some weird love song.

Why do birds suddenly disappear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Far from you.

Why do rain fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they want to say
They hate you.

On the day that you were born
the demons got together
And decided to create a nightmare come true
So they sprinkled shit in your hair
And spit on u like everyone do

That is why all the fliess in town
Follow you all around
Not like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
All the idiots got together
And decided to create something bad
So they moon
sprinkled shit in your scalp
To make u bald when u grow up.

That is why all the guys/girls in town
Aviod you all the time
Just like me, they long to be
Far From you.

Just like me, they long to be
Far from you.

Updated @ 3:57 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Emily the Strange

Art was so fun!JinHong n Kl said Im the best tracer in the world...hehe.There both also can be the best sarcastic person in the world.Irwin slack like siao.Andy emo-ing,no cute stuff.Then Cantona play with the fake hand.He go and put one fake hand on my soulder,then I got shock,(i tot his hand on my shoulder!) then I found out its fake.Briana lend like everyone markers.Sweet.We paint the canvas bue.I kanna blue paint everywhere.I paint KL cheeks.YanLin's hair n shorts was yellow.haha.
English.MMJ say sth about piano.I blurted:'Maybe u put ur piano in the guitar bag?' Ms Su go write on the borad.Die liao..hehe..BTW the lyics song is like Ms Chong wan leh.MMJ go n sing some part of it real loud.I copy whateva Clement wrote on his paper.Amazingly he got all correct.
Recess no money.No talk.On diet.
Geo.Test.San n JCC water cycle is the best in class.Wah...JC influence San,San influence JC isit?THen combine their power of love...Wah...San so amazing hor?
Science.Ms Lee no come.cry la.
Cme.Ms Re so poor thing,the son n daugther so violent.
MT.spelling.Everyone so noisy.Being noisy wun change anythg hor?

And now for the noble awards in class.

Briana:Most lollipop giver.
SokFang:Most green table?
Ilyda:most graffati books.
Esmeralda:Most trips to queenswy for class tees.
JingYu:hit Shuan most.
Inez:Most happy
JiaWen:Most loyal ShowLo fan
Losheni:First 1E1 girl to be trap in toilet.
Marie:Most trips to Australia
San:Most Amazing (remove liao.Happy?)
SiewHua:Probaly most emo,but also most plasters used
ZiTing:Most loyal Pika Fan
Stephie:Most animal's pics posted on blog
Thanesh:Most got remarks
Charmaine:Most quiet
YiXin:Most Candy ate in class
Aloy:Most kopitiam sitting style
Barnabas:Most gay.(source n comment from KL)
Andy:Of course most cute la.
Clement:Biggest eyes.So cuuuttee!(JinHong oh!)
Shaun:Love JingYu most
Irwin:most 'owns' inSF
Kenneth:Most stuffs to burn
KL:Most Shaun n Jingyu remarks,n sacarstic award
LKY:Smart award/
MMJ:Most songs sung in class
YanLin:Most romantic(source from literature sub cher)
Canto:Obviously,The most flirt award la!
Justin:smallest award
JinHong:Most sarcastic n Fly highest award...
Aravin:Most lame excuses
Yue Wei:Most facebook active?
ShiHao:Tallest.Yao Ming look alike award

Updated @ 6:07 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emily the Strange

Happy Birthday Andy!!!
Im so happy.I dono why.Its Andy's birthday,that's why.
B4 schl.JinHong keep texting me.It took me a few days trying not to eply to people's msg.YanLin already make my bill shoot up.JinHong just send me:Clement got big eyes,n I need to stop myself from sending craps.
PE was'nt very fun.Run two rounds when we're supposed to run three rounds.But heck care?
Me n Ilyda got sore throat.Sad right?Then needa run while throw the shuttlecock around.The girls are picky in choosing their partners,so I partner Cantona.Kl no partner so he watch us play.Then I partner JiaWen.It was fun.N sweaty.Kenneth sprained his ankle?leg?dono la.
Science,Ms Lee nvr come.I dono whether to laugh or cry.
Recess was boring as usual.Newtown has a non-violence campaign so it was boring.No wrestling or boxing between the boys...But today boys n girls share table again.Cantona was no where in sight.
History was usual.Me n SiewHua eat lemon sweet.SiewHua addicted to lemon candy liao.
Science.No teachers.Me n Briana played true or dare with Yan Lin,JC,JinHong,Justin,Irwin n so on..Nvr spin until me...Sad...JinHong's n Bri's dare all needa touch each other wan,JC n YanLin keep hugging each other to demostrate.haha.
EL.We did cross word?dono la.Me n Clement cheat.LOL.I find liao,I tell him,he find liao he tell me.Clement go nn look at other peopla de,then I copy his wan.hehe.
CCM.Andy don wan to eat jelly beans liao.So,Justin,JinHong,me,Ilyda Eunice,so on share.Andy keep acting cute.hehe.Stephanie bullied Andy...Boohoo
Aftr schl.Cantona go play soccer,nobody walk wib me to SP or take bus wib me.So I decided to take 196 home.Kenneth was at the bus stop also.He ssslllloowwllyy climb up the stairs.Walao,he very wat leh,eat potato chips on the bus,so tempting.Im so hungry T.T not fair....BTW he cut hair cut til like ZS.LOL

Updated @ 5:07 PM

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emily the Strange

I feel so sian today.haiz.not emo-ing people.SIAN.ZiTing ur the best!MT is so lame.DLS(Ding Lao Shi) cheat for us if we tell her a cheng yu story.Lame right?CME is fun we learn some watashi no namae wa no wo no wa thingy.Recess is boring as usual,why cant everyone just make peace n the girls n boys sit together?Why cant everyone be like Cantona n Ilyda n KL n Andy?peace to all of u like Mr Chong?This world sucks.Why cant we live in Mars with aliens?
Nvm.Im buying jelly baens for Andy.Tmr his birthday.In case I cant go online tmr,Happy birthday eve Andy! U r still quite cute.Andy got new touch screen fone.He is goin to make everyone jealous...not fair wan lo...T.T Im ssssoooo jeeeaaaaallllloooouuuusssss....Boohooo.....
Science is so fun n un-fun today.Me n JiaWen were doing purple n blue dyes.That is the fun part.The un-fun part is Cantona spary didtilled water on me,AGAIN,And I gave him my DNA.I teach u how,lick ur finger,touch his shirt.The end,so easy.He not happy,n he just KKaarr-Pui,then my shoulder,got his DNA.boohoo.It stinks.Its wet.It stinks.It smelly...Andy!Save me!

Updated @ 5:59 PM

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emily the Strange

Happy Birthday Singapore! Last night very shoik. The Inuyasha's brother's hand got chopped off.They chop here chop there til Im messed up.My mother also like watching Inuyasha,but she went to vivo.BTW she already finish watching the whole series liao.So sad.I called my parents to bring me to Marina to look at fireworks,But they say,'Here also can c fireworks,theyere so many people.' Its not fair.They just broke my record of going to Marina or Merlion's park for three years on national day.Im so bored.Watching the TV is so not cool,when u can juz take the MRT n go there n watch LIVE.haiz.Im still wandering why the hell somebody will want a no.7 on their class tee,when IM ALREADY NO.7 ....

Updated @ 3:57 PM

Friday, August 7, 2009

Emily the Strange

Today is the national day thingy.I brought mahjong paper to school to make banners.San & ZiTing We love u!Lame right?our class are traffic polices looking retarded in the stupid bright orange shirt.Stupid.Wah...Now I chatting wib JC.he is ultra lame.=P NDP wasnt fun.The inter class competition was lame.like P1 kids.Lucky I cancel my name.MUahahahaha.I went to Eunice house wib Ilyda aftr school.We watched the hottie n the nottie.It was fun.We played wib her make up n things in her closet.Then I went to Ilyda's home.Eunice went to watch UP wib her brother n mother.Ilyda's siblings was so small sized.They Were ssssssooooo cccuuuutttteee (cuter then Auntie Andy)except for the JOshua.Not cute Joshua.I prove that Andy is not the cutest of all.Muahahaha.Then Me n ILyda read CAnto's blog.I was pretty shock bcos he somehow written:'Too bad my class tee is'nt no. 7...' Is this an online Confession?expression of hatred to frenemy?or he is juz a james bond fan? I dono.I better be careful in case it is a online confess.I needa investigate why Canto is emo-ing in chinese class.(info from Ilyda)its purely outta curiosity...Here are some of the stupid reasons I think up of.
1.Isit he hate Mr Chua?
2.The boys in his MT class are freaks.
3.He hates chinese.
4.He is bored bcos the only girl is Ilyda.
5.He hab mood swings when Mr Chua is around.
6.He is juz plain weird.
7.He broke up into a fight with the boys.
8.Mr Chua offend him.
9.He misses me.A LOT.
I must investigate.Crazy planet Cantona say its very fun,so I went to play.Its really fun.Needa choose partner I chose Cantona,cos his level highest among my frens.haha.Somehow he got captured,then I had to rescue him.Had to go to rescue him,Bye~

Updated @ 5:21 PM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Emily the Strange

Today is so lame,nth really happened.Morning I ran back home just to get the stupid freaking tooting idotic Middle-finger pointing PE shirt,guess what?I miss the damn MF bus bcos of it.ZS is pestering me again.He wants to patch,I dont.I had to borrow Canto's name again.I took the lonely bus to school.Sorry Sandy.When I reach class,I tot Some generous freak put orange table covers for everyone,zoom in then I found out its class tee.Its same size as NPCC tee,And I complain enough for NPCC tee liao,since they are same,I lazy complain.Stupid ZS,he don wan study I wan to study de leh,keep messagin me like siao in class.Stupid NPCC.no fun.group wib JinHong again.Sian la.Canto so stupid.Briana,San came to find us halfway.haha.Took bus home wib Sandy.the end

Updated @ 6:29 PM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Emily the Strange

I have a confession:SORRY Cantona that I borrowed your name again!T.T I wun do it again!JinHong must feel so happy during mt.Charmaine came up to read sth.Maths is now sort of a terror for ME.Irritating n silent.Cantona will walk past and smack.piak.Then JC will say:'Kenneth heart pain liao.Cantona hit so hard.' Then Kenneth will not happy.Then CAntona will LOL.Then Canto smack me for no reason again,I whack him back.Canto also wack Ken.THen JC say,'Walau,after school fight!' (Alert:San can u control ur husband?) Then Ken almost poke Canto's ass with a scissors.EL was quite fun cos we had to write who we cant live without.This names are included there:My Parents,My siblings,Andy,KL,JingYu,San,ZiTing,Neyas,Ayoub,ShiMin,
Felicia,Esmeralda,Thanesh,teachers, JiaCheng,YanLin,JinHong,Justin and you know one la,Canto n Ken.haha.MMJ never sing the singapore song.
My father came to fetch me after school.I had to follow him to work,so we went to holland v.Very sian,I walk through the whole shopping centre for three times in 1 hour.He had to talk to the customer and all that.Sian.
I change playlist again.80% love songs.5% oldies.others juz random wan la

Updated @ 5:46 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Emily the Strange

This whole post will contain sad stuff,but its all pure honesty...prepare tissue if ur gonna cry.If u wan,buy from me at ten cent per pack.I wish everyday is like that,Maths so many periods.(hint)I feel so fortunate that I don needa change seats for any lesson.I love my seat.(hint)I love the seating arrangement.(hint)But I hate someone.so sad.I shouldnt hate them,cos HE mixes with them =( If there is like three periods of Ms Yong everyday,I will be more happy.MS Yong should also teach us english,science n MT.I will feel so fortunate(hint)The second maths lesson we did correction.Cantona came n sit beside me.I feel like a piece of ham.Cantona n Kenneth is the bread.We r a sandwich.Aravin say I must be very happy to have my two boyfriends beside me.U can say I am quite happy that finally someone is talking like siao to me during maths.Literature is quite fun.Briana n Charmaine in same group,JinHong muz be very high.Marcus n Clement fell asleep.Kenneth was obviously chewing some gum with a grape smell.After school got maths.
Marcus:Count on me,Singapore!
Clement:If count on u we die liao.
Marcus:Count on me,Singapore!
Somebody:to give my best n more...
Marcus:Count on me,Singapore!
Clement:If count on u we sure die wan!
Ms Yong:Clement!for question ....
Marcus:Count on me,Singapore!
Clement:sure die!

Updated @ 5:45 PM

Monday, August 3, 2009

Emily the Strange

Today a new girl join the official 1e1 freak class.Her name is ahh is is is erm....I dono lar,Thai Ye?Thai yi?dono la.She is a korean girl.All the girls crowd around her like they had never seen a newbie before...dotz...She got the LG ice cream fone.not pink,white.I thik KL is falling in love with the korean girl,cos he likes to eat ice cream.haha.But I think the korean girl is falling in love with Andy cos,as usual,Andy is so cute!(Aiyah now sian liao la,Andy not so cute after all) PS JinHong is not even cute in the first place.I told the newbie two things,only two things,nothing morel.'This guy is crazy.' 'Avoid him at at times,his crazy.' The crazy guy is of cors,non other the the crazy Cantona.nanananana.Banana.Cantona.Cantona the banana.Im so lame.Im so moodless.
Maths is so boring,north south east west nobody ever talking to me.bored to tears.haha!I used a phrase!Muahahaha.YanLin say his having a grandchild.Its Charmaine n JinHong.KL is so fat.I verbal bully him.mua hahaha.I wan new clothes!I bought new shoes!but still not satisfied...I wan new stuff!for more information bout the shopping trip,go ask YanLin.byebye.

Updated @ 5:51 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emily the Strange

Thanks for the tags.I lazy update.And too busy on facebook n all the npcc stuff.Ystrday i forget update.I went to bugis with ShiMin,it was so fun.ShiMin want to buy eye liner but dono which one to buy.She bought a shirt n I bought a dress(on impulse).I don usually wear dress,but ShiMin insist on me that i should buy the dress.My cousins in my house now.Marcus is a big fan of wimpy kid.Brandon is talking:"cuka oh men...'' baby language.

Updated @ 2:29 PM