Today I got NPCC thingy.Took bus and can finally c Sandy.Then Jia Ying took the bus wib us.Then when we reach NTSS,muz queue up to take temperatur and sign form.Very wat lor.I student leh but they gib me guest form to fill in the temperature thingy.Then fall-in that time I go stand behind Andy.Then is surrounded by 1/1 ppl.diao.Then I keep poking the idiotic Shaun the Sheep.He poke me back then I poke him.JinHong talk too much le,so he got a poke from me.Kian Yew was like Stoppit! Stoppit!Then Andy and Cantona and JinHong and Justin and Shaun go n kick my bag.Then we went to sit bus.1/1 ppl united except for Thanesh.Marie nvr come.we were sending songs to each other like siao lo.The Chair can pull down,bcos Canto is sittin in front of me,he go n push down the seat until the chair touch me.then I go n pull his hair.Then reach there le so sian.But can buy snacks.Then sit here sit there,Cantona sat on the right,Jing Yu on the left,then Ilyda bside Jing Yu.hehe.annoying Canto was poking me during the whole talk n JinHong will talk as long as there is air.Canto n JH were tokin bout stupid things.Then teacher ask if .money drop on the road,and the road muz keep walk
in cant stop,
U want $50 or ur life?I dono Canto or JH say $50 cos can buy things,but the life cannot buy things.Then
someone said life bcos can become prostitute,and earn more than $50.hehe.sounds familar.I think Cantona said that.Maybe I say de.Nvm.JingYu keep saying we flirt like hell,but nvm.Then got break that time i ate potato chips.Then got 15minute test.The testpaper was recycled,so got some answer.Maybe I lucky got the one with one answer.JH very honest to exchanged th answer paper for a clean n pure one.Then JH say how bad Im to cheat4 one question.Hey u go to his blog he got mention how eeeeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiiiilllllll i am.Then when we took the bus back,I took pics of a lot of

Photo Fight!
Here goes. Ilyda took a nice pic of Andy Gan.She send to like 3 ppl coZ its very nice.Then we when past t.he Sing Flyer and I shouted:'Singapore Flyer!' Everyone open curtain n take photo the nicer sing flyer is taken by Ilyda!Yay!JingYu keep taking phot n I got evidence below....Justin quite Kpo keep looking around.I got evidence oso.Pictorial evidence!JinHong keep smilling.Then Andy keep moving,veri hard to take Then dono what me n Ilyda threaten Andy to let us take Photo or we send the nice pic of him around.Ilyda vary shy to

take pic.Then Andy got raped n the last photo he very sad n suffer in silence cos I pinched his cheek too hard.