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The Strange

Do not spam.
If u spam,i will ban.
As Ilyda syas,i will ban cos i can.


♥White/grey tees
♥ballet flats
HATES COFY.(cantona)
HATES Yap.Jin.Hong
HATES stuff toys.esp furry ones

Stupid Little Cantonaaaaa
♥Random Blogshop
♥Auntie Lucy FC
♥Jia Wen
♥Yue Yi
♥The Other 6'O Xin Yi
♥Jun Qian


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
June 2010
March 2013



Music Playlist at MixPod.com

u>♥ PlayingTopHits ♥


Designer & Image: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Inspirations & Materials: Emily Strange
Image Host: Tinypic
Others: Dorischu ,
Macromedia Fireworks

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Emily the Strange

Haiz tmr got school for the stupid amazing story telling thingy....They sholud put it l8r so I can sleep more marhs...Why this month so many people birthday?Not enough money to buy so many presents...wah today I had downloaded some PSP games and since nth to do, I play com!yay!CAntona's birthday coming,dono wat thing to buy for him....

Updated @ 2:51 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Emily the Strange

Wow....Sandy probaly having fun partying now....with the teachers!Shimin canceled going to Sentosa today,so Im left at home today to mould....Since holiday liao,all the 'cannot' play com time already canceled!hehe!Next week Im going Sentosa!haha

Updated @ 4:46 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Emily the Strange

I can use com again!yay!TOdae I did a lot of dares and everytime muz involve boys like Kenneth and Canto.Kenneth scared liao n he run away everytime he sees me.wah Ken got dared to arm wrestle wib me n hit my head.Wierd.I got a dare to sing love song.anth dare was to send fly kiss to,u know who.I did 'Ka pui' kiss like Kenneth.haha.nth to say.bye

Updated @ 6:30 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Emily the Strange

I went to the science centre and the omni-theatre.We had to put our bags in the staff room.I did'nt put bcos I wanna smuggle snacks.YAnlin and a bunch of ppl was putting their bags in the room,so squeezy!Canto didnt go cos he very kuai and he went for the charity CIP thingy.Kenneth sort of got lost while we put our bag and RIley struggled to carry his bag and Ken's bag.Haha=).THen Ken came back and cant find his bag.Hehe.The bus driver drove us the wrong direction and we went to Singapore Discovery centre instead.In the end he drove us back fr where we came from..Haiz.We were late.
CHaos,is the omi word when we arrived at Mac.Sardine packed and long queue.Everyone tryin to cut queue,so in the end like no difference.Me,Kl,Andy,Ilyda,Kenneth and Ms Lee were the last of the last to enter the omni-theatre.We were the last in the mac queue,and Ms lee was waiting for us.She's very nice.Kl go buy sundae and we were watin for him to finish it.Andy and Kenneth was sucking their coke at full speed.I was busy hiding my spicy snack wrap,apple pie,gummy bears,biscuits,Kenneth's chicken nugget,Andy's burger,Kenneth and Andy's fries in my poor bag.
In the end I 'helped' KEnneth to drink his coca cola.He throw away the strw to drink faster wib the cap opened.wah when i see the cup,inside still got 3/4.I drank a lot.So full.He was stupid to upsize the drink.But l8r the boyz put their drinks in my bag..I went in with the counter lady lookin suspiciously lookin at my fat bag.I was a SMS(slow moving shit) while walkin in cos I don wan my bag to be filled with coke.We had no place to sit except for the front.Ken sat bside the stairs,then ANdy then me then Ilyda.We count down when the rocket blasted off.My spicy chicken dropped on my shirt.
DUring sea monsters,we changed place.Kenneth had to sit bside a cute little girl bhind me,while I sat bside Andy.I didnt want to change place with Ken and he said he will scare me.I was sittin above the stairs and Andy said I will roll down if Kenneth kicked hard enough.The two boys warned me not to eat while watchin sea monaters or I scared n choke.Andy keep trying to scare me.I screamed the loudest when the ppl in the movie blow the rocks.ANdy n Ken laughed lyke idiots.IN the end the movie not scary.And the male dino died n Andy not happi that Female died.
My bag was filled with mac smell when I was sitting the bus back to sch.Eunice lost her i-pod and was crying.JIngyu was sprayin ppl head with strawberry spray.I was takin pic of ppl.Haha.
WHen we reach Ntss,I passed Andy all his food and he carry my bag for 5 sec.Kenneth took all his food oso.I went home.The end

Updated @ 11:55 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emily the Strange

Todae I went to T3 with the other sec1.The tour guide ppl divided us into 10 groups.Canto change place to be in same group as me.Clement change here change there then became same group as me.He not happy,so he changed with Kenneth. Kenneth also not happy and somehow changed with Ziting. Weirdly,group one to 5 stick 2gthr n the othrs go with anthr tour guide ppl.I was playing catchin with ANdy,JIng yu and Kenneth and nvr got scoldedI know its lame but we're bored.And Andy Gan is ssssssssooooooo cute!!Anth time I go spray the fountain water at Andy Gan and Kenneth revenged for him by spraying more water at me...WATER FIGHT!I was copying answers for the lame booklet....When the tour guide let us for break I was sort of lost but in the end found Candy empire!hehe!I bought a lotta junk food!When I queued for mac,the boys cut queue.Nvm...On the survey,I wrote that I like the water fountain the most because I can play water.hehe.I don wan to go back to sch...But needa go liao...I also went to Esmeralda's home aftr that.We played games and the computer.

Updated @ 12:17 AM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Emily the Strange

Normal school day.Mdm Yong show everyone's art work.My is still shocking pink!I had nth to say.Im now using the stupid sch com to type this freaking post!Mua hahaha im so eeevviillllll!Aftr scool was quite peaceful...Canto carry my bag....Kenneth snatch the poor little bag,haiz,I gave chase.Then most of the 1e1 girls in front.they 'o' here 'o' there.As i knew it,He ran into the boy's toilet.Haiz,I waited.Keith ran out carrying me bag.Kenneth then walk out.Then we were like pulling the bag in 5 directions.There was Ilyda,me,Canto,Kenneth n Keith pullin the damn bag.Canto help cos I will minus slavery...Haiz

Updated @ 2:30 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Emily the Strange

Updated @ 12:30 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Emily the Strange

Sandy never take bus with me to NTSS today.She unwell then sbdy drove her to schl.CME was stupid,I wore the PE shirt for display only.CAntona was flirting with a lot of people today,Marcus and CLement spray water until WWE.CLement expression is like his volcano is going to erupt and gonna cry. DAmn funny.Kenneth was emo-ing and nvr do anyth. MS Yong let us play sudoku.Very difficult!
Aftr sch,went to QUeensway to looka the class tees and ask things.Then argue here argue also tired liao went to eat.CAnto bought tea eggs and me and Esmeralda copied him. Thanesh bought tutu kueh. Then we went to Mac. I bought ice cream and Esmeralda bought coca cola. Thanesh ate some of my ice cream,then Canto like very hungry so I gib him some of the ice cream. Esmeralda and Thanesh was like so damn freakingly shocked to see that we shared spoons.I had nth to say....I was like putting ice cream into the plate that u put chilli sauce 4 Canto when he finish lickin the ketchup.haha.I have no AIDS or HIV so reellllaaaaxxx.....ANd don't get the wrong idea!U got problem juz tell me...I walked home from Queensway to tiong leh!Yay me!

Updated @ 7:06 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emily the Strange

TOday I woke up and really had nothing to do, soooo I had a evvvvvvvvillll plan.I begged my father when he wads sleeping to let me use computer. Im itchin to watch more movie but penniless liao. =( He does'nt want me to 'fan' him so he agreed.I used com and had nothing to do so read a lot of other people's bloggy.Oh needa go liao,family leaving for IKEA. BYe!

Updated @ 4:25 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Emily the Strange

TOday I met Sandy in the bus. Went to class and revise history like mad. Then CAntona came and disiao me. I go to his table to se who his ''girlfriend'' is. JIa CHeng go pushed Kenneth. Kenneth pushed me to prevent his fall. I gave them evil stare and went back to revise history. HIstory quite hard. After exam is only 10 plus. CAnto helped me carry bag to minus his ultra long slavery. HE got bored so accompany me,Sandy,Esmeralda,JIa ying and JIngyu. Canto kept arguing wib us. He threatened to throw JIngyu's water bottle into the bin. I go dare him throw, then he juz threw it in. JIng yu was talking to Losheni and Sok Fang who juz went passed and did'nt noticed.Cantona reached his hand into the bin to get it back but his hand too short. We girls stayed a distance away from him. JIng yu found out but no reaction. 33 came and JIngyu needa go but the water bottle is still in the bin! Canto sacrificed his hand for the true love he show to Jingyu. He tossed the bin cover and grabbed the bottle and gave the bottle to JIngyu. We did'nt rouch him the whole day. HE was contanminated with germs!

Updated @ 12:49 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Emily the Strange

TOday woke up super early.DO nothing but tossed around.Woke up watch doreamon. Then I watched a Japanese pig movie. Today a lotta mother's day chain mails. Then I use the computer.SO bored!15May right after the exam, I'm going to watch movie with Esmeralda, Thanesh, Andy, Kenneth and stupid Cantona. HAHA I'm so freakingly excited. You wanna join us? CAll me or text me.

Updated @ 3:33 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

Emily the Strange

Aiyoh I so long never update liao...Pai seh... I took stupid Geo test today.Ms Chong Rlief us for a while the Yang lao shi came.She and Ms Chong argue with us bout the section A section B do on the fresh page thing.THen later Ms ray came and told us muz do on fresh page and all that crap.Ms Chong then said seniors act cute then juniors laugh, and when we grow up, we will act like them and get laughed.She also said newtowners are idiots to the power of ten.LOL.
After the exam only ten plus so me n Esmeralda walk slowly ,bout half way outside 196 there!Chased like mad,but in the end bus buzz off liao.SO,we decided to wait for another bus while we play games with jingyu.But in the end we got fed up waitin so we went Singapore Poly.Walk walk walk then we decided to eat there.Esmeralda was queing for KFC,but she suddenly run back saying,''Kenneth the ah ma is there!OMG!''I turned my head and saw that guy staring at us.WE stared at each other for 5 seconds,me and Esmeralda grabbed our bags and went to 7-11.after we bought sth, we went out and saw Keith waving to me and said,''XInyi your Kennneth here!''We turned and run away and Keith shouted,''XInyi u go rong way!'L8r we decided to sit in the little shelters and eat.
I took a MRt home n shockingly the Mrt was half empty!When I reach home I use com and talk on the phone with Esmeralda.I go see CAnto's blog and got real angry.I hab gone a little crazy lately.

Updated @ 6:45 PM