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The Strange

Do not spam.
If u spam,i will ban.
As Ilyda syas,i will ban cos i can.


♥White/grey tees
♥ballet flats
HATES COFY.(cantona)
HATES Yap.Jin.Hong
HATES stuff toys.esp furry ones

Stupid Little Cantonaaaaa
♥Random Blogshop
♥Auntie Lucy FC
♥Jia Wen
♥Yue Yi
♥The Other 6'O Xin Yi
♥Jun Qian


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
June 2010
March 2013



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Designer & Image: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Inspirations & Materials: Emily Strange
Image Host: Tinypic
Others: Dorischu ,
Macromedia Fireworks

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Emily the Strange

(prepare to read my longest blog ever!Mua HA HA HA HA!)Met Jiajing in MRT took MRT wibb her.We chatted.A lot.It seemed lyke we were the only ppl talkin in the silent MRT.Quickly went up and borrowed Yi Xin's Math notebook to copy complicated questions that i fell asleep on.Fight a litlle and bell ring so go down loh.I very fair wan I talk to Jing yu on the way down while arguing wibb Cantona(AKA staple target)so i won't lose friends.I hang out wibb everyone,so no relation is very strong.Walked though the sea ob ppl on my own n hit Cantona's head on the way.HAHA!serves him right!Messed up my hair clever horh!Sang the mari kita then pledge.
PE!My FAVOURITE!lucky today no jog not boring ah!Need to pass baton while jogging.I doing head hitting on the way.Hehe.Do strecthing excercises.Then do running.I in group5.Shuan the sheep there.we stared at each other wibb an OMG face.Haiz.Then got baton run thingy,I put first one cos I shortest.Then run lor,few seconds later leg damn pain,but sit down ok liao.Me n losheni chat about tv shows.Then teacher say got group competiton.Cantona win a girl.Then kenneth the carrot head win boy but 1 second later the boy dunnoe eat wat thing grow up sometyme run so slow sometyme run so he win the carrot head.HAHA!Everyone cheering for him to win except for me then i shout,'lose lose lose lose!'but then i think later he not happy then later ka cau me so I shout,'WIN WIN WIN!'hehe dun想歪.then my group turn liao we plan justin run first then past to losheni then losheni pass to the shaun the sheep.Sheeep pass to thenesh.thenesh pass to some guy call kee luei or kee lu or hee lu or ki le...I dun noe la.he pass to me then i found out i competing wibb CLement.then the hee luey come faster than the dunnoe who clement group member.I run lyke mad not knowing where I going and almost hit soccer goal.I heard fast,no ultra fast footsttep behind me,'pat pat pat pat!Every boy was like 'CLEMENT CLEMENTCLEMENT!' girls and a few boyz were lyke ,'Clement lose clement lose!XINYI XINYI!’'OMG' i screamed as if im gonna die if my group lose.Then i at finshing line that tyme so happy!I won Clement the as fast as wind runner!but my team members shouted,' Clement behind u run! 'Then I see the orange colour finishing line cone still very far!So I run like mad.again.Argh Clement pass it a few step ahead.'Argh shit!'i screamed.then i see clement going backwards.I tot he wannna go race again so followed hym.But he picked up a shoe n wore it.'haha'I giggled.He shot me an evil stare on his angel-like face.I looked away quickly.His friends,shouted loudly at hym,'你很failure leh.lose女孩子.'A group run then got one guy fall down roll roll roll then roll until the guy in front ob him n they roll roll roll roll lyke fishball.TEacher scolded them for being so crazy.I was twiching my eye in happiness i dun noe why.I won him not by the finishing line but halfway through.Haha I laughed to myself.CLement stared at me again like on his first day in new town.I turned away lyke first day.smiling to myself.
Went back to class.Kenneth the carrot head already there.We recieved the interesting person paper back n kenneth has a see me sign.Ms Chong shouted,'those wibb see me raise hand.'then kenneth say ,'seeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sssseeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeee....'like ghost.haha.art class canto make heart shape wibb his fingers beside and point to San and said she lyke Marcus!I read his lips and I whispered WOW!and San hit his head.Kenneth shake his head and said ,'aiyoh ur two huh!'Canto evil stare him then they argue.then maths I got question dunnoe how to do ask him then the Canto said,'wow!'Kenneth raise his fist n said,punch u ah'Then Aravin said ,'how can she be Canto's n Kenneth's wife?'then Jia cheng the orange head said'Aiyoh she engage to kenneth,' ' Pui ah'Kenneth said.'then marry Canto!' Canto shout 'KNS!' I shook my head.They said husband fight!and then Aravin call wrong my name call me sydney.he n jia cheng started arguing wheter the sydney oprea house is in new zealand or australia.i shook my head.
After school I stayed back wibb the 'husbands' and some ladies for my realationship bond or my sok fang n sharmine will not b very close liao.they needa stayed back for the 'sssseeeeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmmeeee sssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee'thingyWE argued.OK la I admit it.Argued n fight.A lot.I threw Canto pencil down his pen almost dropped downstairs.I almoist take Kenneth's PSP.
After the more like fighting session,we left n i planned to go take mrt wibb canto.he lost then i call him.he nvr pick up so i text hym.i wait at fence for a while dunnoe wad to do stand there daydream.if i go forward then canto is at sch then cant walk wib hym but ib i dun walk n if he in front then i oso cant walk wib hym.Hiaz.then someone behind me say,'why u call me?' I turned around to see n Canto was smiling at me hands on the fence.'Clement walk past u juz now didnt u see hym?''no' 'oh u standind with the pose of coz nvr see hym.' I got excited and ask hym damn lot questions bout the Clement.Dunnoe why.
Purposely walk long cut went Pg.Saw A.y.o.u.B . Vish run towards me n shouted as he shake his arms,'My darling!'I punched hym.KKW n Neyas doing jumpstyle.they lyke doing hop scotch.haha.'I tot u go back India already!'I joked wibb a small luagh at the back,acting innoncent.'u think i Samil ah?'he said.Everyone chatted a little and went home.
I begged to use the computer for a while to type this thingy.hehe.Can use computer!Yay me!Ok Bye bye see u next tyme!Sorry huh because sis nagging to play com.

xoxo, XINY!

Updated @ 5:19 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Emily the Strange

Todey Ms chong go change our place...Was beri beri excited but all da girls huh 来 huh 去, so i oso drama huh huh huh loh.=)I end up sit wibb Kenneth...He look lyke a carrot wibb the hair stickin' up n da triangle shaped face.hehe.No ppl take Mrt todey wibb me,so sad...=( Stupid staple target dun noe go where laio la!N Jiawen's mum came n picked her up.
I'm oso beri excited a.y.o.u.b b'dey celebration in Sentosa on Sat.I no $ buy presents fer hym...I make card,i very fren wan hor!hehe.I planning to buy new handphone liao!SO excited!Haiz too much happiness will cause high blood pressure, and I dun wanna die so young....So tata fer now.I noe u will miss me,but dun get so sad...I will update when i not grounded or not banned or not scolded,n when i not laziie.Hehe I dun so loso...=D

Muack Muackz,KXY

Updated @ 7:43 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009

Emily the Strange

Normal day,walked to Mrt take Mrt.Walked to sch.Haiz I hope teacher changes my place to some boy tat wont complain easily n is'nt an aqua.TEACHER WANT TO CHANGE OUR PLACE!I certainly hoped it is'nt staple target(Canto)....At PE i accidentally kicked staple target's eyes when he throw stuff at me!HAHA!Serves him right!He keep squeaking lyke a girl.And to keep his mouth shut,i keep apologizing.
After sch take 33 to ZDPS saw ayoub and my old frens they made me very excited after the long dey.We went to PG.I tot the Aunties playin majong there ish gonna complain bout us.AGAIN.
I'm very sad todey.....I lost my best fren,the cute,friendly,nice,warm,polite Felicia(ah meng).She had changed in juz 3 weeks.When i hugged her, I can't feel the friendship n love.There is no feel in her.She became bad,unpolitely rude,unfriendly n BIG.I dun noe she grew so fast.i Haven't grow,that is wad my frens said.Ayoub says im short.he say im always at his shoulder's lenght.HAHA.lucky im not shorter than Angela,she keep thinking she is so big,i dun lyke her.I'm not going to spent my childhood away lyke her....Felicia is'nt the ah cheap i knew fer 4 years.Haiz.I wished she is back the next tyme i see her...

Updated @ 6:42 PM

Friday, January 9, 2009

Emily the Strange

My primary school memories is slowly fading away from me.

Updated @ 6:31 PM

Emily the Strange

I went to NTSS in da early morning and was almost late,as i rushed lyke mad n walk very fast till leg pain pain!Sayang me!Den got stupid p.e. class needa lie on da field but luckie its carpet grass no soil or mud.Haiz in Mt da Marcus go sabo me den i needa read in front ob da whole class!Den got CCA open house I join NPCC lerhs!I so noble!EVERY senior in sight is sendin out flyers to 'influence' us to join their CCA!I got lyke at least three ob da same flyer fer every CCA!I tell my frens i can sell to karang guni.Hehe...We use bookmarks and write'' Go Away!We join other CCA liao!Dun disturb!P.S we dun mind ib eu gibb us sweets...'' SO far i got5 sweets!But when i take bus wibb Sandy,but i cant find my wallet...5 sec l8r i found da wallet but da bus zoom off!den i take bus overshot go until chinatown,needa walk very far to get home...Cant take ath buz coz ez-link bo $.It will be nice ib u spare me some money...

Updated @ 5:37 PM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Emily the Strange

This is lyke da 5th dae of me surviving in New town.Thank God I survived thru da process ob new frens new sch new life n new stuff!Muack Muackx!
A new gurl named Ilayda came todey n she is transfered fr outram sec.I became her buddy n her fren.Oso found out she lyke twilight!
Went home with a heavy bag containing homeworkz!HELP!GTG to do history EL maths Chinese malay hw!Bye!

Updated @ 5:09 PM